When I faced the issue of migrating the storage directory for my AIO NextCloud the official README sent me to a github discussion whit a somewhat vague answer on how to perform the migration. I thought i would document the process for future reference and if this helps someone else perform a migration like this, that’s a nice bonus.

Pre migration tasks

Before performing any big changes like this you should backup everything. I did this in two ways.

  1. I started by using the AIO interface to create a backup of NextCloud. Remember to save the backup password.
  2. Then i created a snapshot of my NextCloud host so that i could perform a rollback on the entire host if needed. The NextCloud storage was not on this machine therefore it was not included in the snapshot.


  1. Log in to the AIO interface and stop all containers.
  2. Stop the AIO master-container
    sudo docker stop nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer
  3. Take a snapshot of your host or perform a backup in some other way. This might include copying the docker volume directory (/var/lib/docker/volumes/) to another host.
  4. Copy your files while preserving the permissions
    sudo rsync -aP /path/to/NextCloudData /path/to/new/directory/
    This will create the directory NextCloudData under directory.
    • -a: Tells rsync to perform an archive copy. This preserves the important meta information like owner and permissions.
    • -P: Tells rsync to print progress.
  5. Remove the master container
    sudo docker rm nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer
  6. Recreate the master container using your initial method but with the new directory set as the NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=/path/to/new/directory/NextCloudData. I used my ansible role docker-nextcloud-aio.
  7. Log in to AIO container and start all containers.
  8. Log in to your NextCloud and make sure everything works.

Post Migration

The data is now migrated to the new location and the master-container holds the information of where to find the data. You might want to perform the same migration on your backup directory, though you should not save your user-data and backups in the same place.


This migration was a lot easier than the documentation made it seem. I would be happy to see some official instructions in the documentation but i guess this is not something they want you to do since you could ruin your NextCloud setup.